A Message from the Grand High Beta

"The crest and crowning of all good, Life's final star, is brotherhood."

           - Edwin Markham

A Message From The Grand High Beta

Greetings and well wishes to the Men of Beta Phi Pi, Fraternity Inc. It is with great pleasure that I (Rogers Battle IV.) have this opportunity to spread a message of brotherhood, unity, loyalty and peace amongst the general membership. As we are faced with great challenges and obstacles that alter a straight path to success, we must remain steadfast in our pursuit towards striving for success, and stressing excellence. 

Our beginning was met with obstacles, as is our progress to help spread Beta across the land. As we move forward, maintaining and building upon our foundation is fundamental and key to our success. We must also adapt and adjust to the changing of the times and continue to make positive strides to achieve our goals. Our continued presence of providing service to the community and building partnerships along the way is detrimental and necessary for the growth of our organization. 

As we move forward in our quest to strengthen our foundation, our aim is to build quality men. These men will not only create their own path in life. They will also help shape the future of this fraternal order. I look forward to a higher level of retention and the possibility of Alumni Chapters that will assist in our recruiting efforts to help in gaining membership.

Again, let’s not forget our beginnings! Those 3 brave men who acted upon a vision. They launched plans that led to the creation of a new fraternity on the campus of Western Illinois University. The aim was simple! Uplift our fellow man, promote a more positive image and build strong leaders. These leaders are recognized as the Men of Beta Phi Pi……


Rogers Battle IV.

Grand High Beta